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Things in the School

  Things in the School Bag  (Barang-barang yang ada di dalam tas sekolah) pencil = pensil pen = pulpen eraser = penghapus correction pen = tipe-x pencil sharpener = rautan pensil ruler = penggaris cutter = pisau kecil  pencil case = tempat pensil lesson book = buku pelajaran book = buku drawing book = buku gambar color pencil = pensil warna binder = binder scissor = gunting marker = spidol compass = jangka stapler = hekter Things at the Classroom  (Benda-benda yang ada di kelas) desk = meja chair = chair blackboard = papan tulis hitam whiteboard = papan tulis putih eraser = penghapus cupboard = lemari computer = komputer screen = layar untuk proyektor air-conditioner = pendingin ruangan fan = kipas angin bookshelf = rak buku noticeboard = mading map = peta globe = globe ball = bola bell = bel Rooms in the School  (Ruangan yang Ada di Sekolah) canteen = kantin library = perpustakaan teachers room = ruang guru office = ruang kepala sekolah classroom = ruangan kelas laboratory = laborator

Narrative Text The Hare and The Snail

The hare was once boasting of his speed before the other animals in the forest. "I have never been beaten yet so far when I put my full speed," he said.

I challenge any one here to race with me," he said again arrogantly.

The Tortoise said gently, "I accept your challenge hare."

"Are you joking?" asked the Hare; "I could dance round you all the way during the race."

"Keep your boasting words until you've won," answered the Tortoise. "Shall we race now?"

So a course was fixed and a start was made not long after that. The Hare darted almost out of sight at once, but soon stopped and then, to show his contempt for the Tortoise, he lay down to have a nap. When the Hare awoke from his nap, he saw the Tortoise just near the winning-post and he could not run up in time to win the race.

Then the Tortoise said: "Slow but steady progress wins the race."


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