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Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2023


Things in the School

  Things in the School Bag  (Barang-barang yang ada di dalam tas sekolah) pencil = pensil pen = pulpen eraser = penghapus correction pen = tipe-x pencil sharpener = rautan pensil ruler = penggaris cutter = pisau kecil  pencil case = tempat pensil lesson book = buku pelajaran book = buku drawing book = buku gambar color pencil = pensil warna binder = binder scissor = gunting marker = spidol compass = jangka stapler = hekter Things at the Classroom  (Benda-benda yang ada di kelas) desk = meja chair = chair blackboard = papan tulis hitam whiteboard = papan tulis putih eraser = penghapus cupboard = lemari computer = komputer screen = layar untuk proyektor air-conditioner = pendingin ruangan fan = kipas angin bookshelf = rak buku noticeboard = mading map = peta globe = globe ball = bola bell = bel Rooms in the School  (Ruangan yang Ada di Sekolah) canteen = kantin library = perpustakaan teachers room = ruang guru office = ruang kepala sekolah classroom = ruangan kelas laboratory = laborator

Things in the School

Narrative Text Fox and A Cat

Narrative Text The Hare and The Snail

Narrative Text The Legend of Salatiga

Narrative Text The Legend of Toba Lake

Narrative Text The Legend of Surabaya

Narrative Text True Friend